Sunday, February 16, 2020

My Thoughts on Different Interview Types

There are many different ways to conduct an interview. Here is a list of many common types of interviews, along with my thoughts on each:

Traditional interview - This is probable the most common of all interview types. It provides a structured process with interview questions in a one-on-one setting. Asking the right questions is key in this type of interview.

Telephone interview - This is another very common interview type. Similar to a traditional interview, it allows for a one-on-one experience. While this type of interview allows the interview to take place anywhere, it can also have several down sides. Telephone interviews do not allow either person to be able to see each other, relying only on audible cues. It is important for both parties to ensure that there are no auditory distractions in the background.

Panel interview - This interview type allows multiple interviewers to interact with a candidate at the same time. This can save a lot of time if a company requires several people to interview candidates, however it can also make candidates a bit uncomfortable.

Information interview - This interview type allows a candidate to get information from a prospective employer about a position. It is more focused on the candidate asking questions than the interviewer.

Meal interviews - This type of interview allows the candidate and the interviewer to take the process outside of a formal setting. Not only does this type of interview take some pressure off of both parties, but it allows them the opportunity to see how each other interacts with others. It also is typically more conversation based than question and answer based.

Group interview - This type of interview is conducted with multiple candidates at the same time. It gives the interviewer a chance to see how candidates work with others. This interview type can also create a highly competitive environment for the candidates.

Video interview - This interview is similar to telephone interviews by allowing the interview to take place anywhere. However, unlike the telephone, video allows both parties to see each other adding a visual cue aspect to the interview. It is also important to ensure that there is no visual or auditory distractions during a video interview.

Non-directive interview - This interview is less structured type that focuses more on the candidate leading the discussion and selling themselves. The interview questions are typically more open ended allowing the candidate to open up more. Because this type of interview is less structured, it can be more difficult to truly compare candidates.

Having never interviewed anyone before, I would likely be more comfortable with the traditional, panel, and meal type interviews. This is because the traditional and panel interviews provide a more structured approach and the meal type interview relaxes the interview while getting a chance to see the candidate interact with others in public. I would likely be less comfortable with telephone and video interviews because they limit how much interaction takes place during the interview, and can be more subject to distractions. As a candidate, I would favor a meal or non-directive interview type as they both are less structured and more comfortable environments for a candidate. I would not like the panel or group type interviews as they would add more pressure to an already stressful event. In the past, I have only had telephone and traditional type interviews. My opinion of these interviews usually depended highly on the questions that were asked and the setting in which the interview took place. By studying different types of interviews, I have been able to see advantages and disadvantages, as well as important things to consider when interviewing.

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